Questions & Answers
About the Program
Since 1984, the Michigan Model for Health™ is a nationally acclaimed and evidence-based curriculum covering grades Pre-K through 12 that provides comprehensive school health education. View the Why Choose MMH page for more information.
The Michigan Model for Health™ addresses the common, but serious health challenges students face, including social and emotional health; nutrition and physical activity; alcohol, tobacco and other drugs; safety and emergency preparedness. This curriculum facilitates skills-based learning through lessons that include a variety of teaching and learning techniques, skill development and practice, and helps build positive lifestyle behaviors in students. View the MMH Core Components page for more information.
The major goal of this program is to motivate and assist students to maintain and/or improve their health, prevent disease, and reduce health-related risk behaviors while creating a partnership between home, school, community groups, and government.
Implementation & Support
The Michigan Model for HealthTM curriculum is designed for teachers grades K-12 to implement in their classrooms. The MMH program offers an online course and instructor-led training options.
The Michigan Model for HealthTM program is designed for teachers grades K-12 to implement in their classrooms and it is highly recommended that all educators receive training. The MMH program offers an online course and instructor-led training options.
District administrators who support teachers attending the professional development sessions help to ensure consistent implementation of the MMH curriculum. A commitment to implement the MMH curriculum with fidelity, and in conjunction with or as the school's already approved health education curriculum, is important for successful outcomes for teachers and students.
For additional MMH website assistance or questions, contact our MMH support team.
Administrators can:
- Allow teachers to attend Michigan Model for Health™ trainings and related professional development opportunities. This will help teachers gain knowledge and skills that may assist them in meeting other standards.
- Encourage that the lessons be taught with fidelity in order to obtain similar results as those found in the Michigan Model for HealthTM evidence-based evaluation studies.
- Gather feedback from teachers who are implementing the curriculum and share that feedback with non-implementing teachers.
- Integrate the Michigan Model for Health™ and the Whole Child approach into the School Health Improvement Plan.
View the Guidelines for Implementation and MMH Training pages for more information.
MMH Digital Curriculum Access
Once a digital Michigan Model for HealthTM curriculum purchase is approved, a username and password will be issued via email. Refer to the instructions in the How to Log Into the MMH Website procedure for login assistance.
For additional MMH website assistance or questions, please contact our MMH support team.
If you forget your MMH website password or want to change your password, you can reset your password by using the Forgot Password link on the login page. Simply enter your email address and click the Submit button. A forgot password email notification will be emailed to you. Please check your spam or junk folder if you do not receive the email with a few minutes.
An MMH password must have at least 8 characters, at least 1 digit(s), at least 1 lower case letter(s), at least 1 upper case letter(s), at least 1 non‐alphanumeric character(s) such as as *, ‐, #, or !.
You may request a temporary 14-day free trial license to the Michigan Model for HealthTM digital curriculum. Please complete the online signup form to request trial account.