High School (9-12)
The Michigan Model for Health™ (MMH) high school curriculum facilitates learning through a variety of interactive teaching and learning techniques. Skill development through demonstration and guided practice is emphasized resulting in the development of positive lifestyle behaviors for students and families.
The MMH program grades 9-12 curriculum is organized into two health topic curriculum modules: core curriculum module containing six subjects and an optional HIV and Sex Education module. Guidelines to customize and tailor health classes are included based on the number of classroom hours required to teach health.
Educator Curriculum Content
- Fully-scripted lesson plans
- Engaging Google Slides for each lesson (COMING SOON)
- Lesson objectives aligned to National & State standards
- Interactive instructional tools
- Customizable Google student worksheets/assessments
- Support materials (posters, cards, books, etc.)
Explore MMH Subjects
Grades 9-12
Core Curriculum Module
The Skills for Health & Life grades 9-12 core curriculum module is designed as a one-semester course and it can be adapted to a 12-week trimester course. This curriculum contains 69 lessons with each lesson estimated at 50 minutes in length and teaches the skills young people need to be contributing members of society, successful employees, and nurturing family members to maintain and improve their health and long-term well-being. Students who master these skills demonstrate:
- Creativity, innovation, and inventiveness.
- Effective communication and collaboration with others.
- The application of research to address challenges.
- The ability to locate digital information efficiently, evaluate it effectively, and use it ethically.
- Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making.
- Proper technology use, global awareness, and moral capacity in and outside of the classroom.
Social &
Tobacco &
Other Drugs
Nutrition &
Health &
Grades 9-12
HIV & Sex Education Module
The Healthy & Responsible Relationships grades 9-12 module contains 22 lessons covering HIV, other STI and pregnancy prevention, which focuses on abstinence as the safest and healthiest choice for school-aged youth and teaches prevention strategies for students when they eventually become sexually active.
Relationships are central to an individual’s life. The quality of relationships affects each person’s behaviors, health, enjoyment of life, and likelihood of success. Therefore, healthy relationships are a foundational theme for positive sexual behavior taught throughout this curriculum module. The abstinence-based curriculum provides three options for implementation which local school districts can choose from to meet student needs and health education requirements:
- abstinence-only
- abstinence-based with condoms as disease risk reduction, but without other forms of contraception; or
- abstinence-based with contraception, including condoms.
Poster Classroom Kit
Instructional, hands-on classroom kits are available to support classroom instruction of health lessons which include: attractive full-color laminated posters, activity card sets, informational pamphlets, and DVD videos. All high school support materials are sold separately.
Purchase Curriculum
The high school curriculum can be purchased individually or within digital curriculum bundles. District pricing discounts may be available. To trial, purchase, or talk about the MMH curriculum, contact the Michigan Model for Health Clearinghouse.