Middle School (7-8)

The Michigan Model for Health™ (MMH) facilitates learning through a variety of interactive teaching and learning techniques. Skill development through demonstration and guided practice is emphasized resulting in the development of positive lifestyle behaviors for students and families.

Educator Curriculum Content

  • Fully-scripted lesson plans
  • Engaging Google Slides for each lesson
  • Lesson objectives aligned to National & State standards
  • Interactive instructional tools
  • Customizable Google student worksheets/assessments
  • Support materials (posters, cards, books, etc.)

laptop tablet and mobile phone photo with MMH middle school digital teacher manual

Explore MMH Subjects

The MMH program grades 7-8 curriculum is designed for teachers and educators to implement as a component of the core school curriculum, with each of the lessons lasting approximately 45 minutes in length.

Social & Emotional Health
& Safety

Students learn the foundational health skills on:

  • Self-awareness and self-respect
  • Stress and anger management
  • Communicating (listening, empathy, I-statements, and refusal)
  • Decision-making, problem-solving and conflict resolution
  • Violence prevention, including bullying
  • Healthy and unhealthy relationships
  • Getting and giving help

Alcohol & Other Drugs

Students learn health skills on:

  • Internal and external influences on teenage drug use
  • Impacts of drug use on the user and others (alcohol, over-the-counter drugs and prescription drugs including opioids, marijuana, sports supplements, and steroids)
  • Protecting one-self and influencing others to be drug free (I-statements, refusal and decision making)
  • Identifying unsafe situations and getting and giving help
  • Advocating for changes to encourage staying drug free

Nutrition & Physical

Students learn health skills on:

  • Benefits of eating healthy foods and daily physical activity
  • Guidelines to set goals for a healthy diet and physical activity
  • Locating and assessing resources on nutrition and physical activity
  • Analyzing restaurant menu items, including fast food
  • Persuasive skills to promote eating healthy foods and being physically active 
  • Refusal skills to choose foods and activities that will yield health benefits

Tobacco & Vaping

Students learn health skills on:

  • Impacts of tobacco use, vaping and second-hand smoke exposure 
  • What influences a person to use or refrain from using tobacco and vaping
  • Protecting oneself from unhealthy situations related to tobacco and vaping
  • Helping others stay tobacco and vaping free
  • Accessing reliable information and resources

HIV & Other STIs

Students learn health skills on:

  • Facts about sexually transmitted infections and ways to avoid and prevent them
  • Identifying behaviors that do or do not transmit infections
  • Legal, financial, health, social, and emotional consequences of sexual activity
  • Communicating with others about sexual decisions and potential consequences
  • Setting personal limits and communicate them to peers
  • Locating and assessing reliable sources of information
  • Goal-setting and advocacy skills


CASEL Evidence-based Program

The Michigan Model for HealthTM middle school curriculum is a CASEL Promising Program approved for Grades 7-8. The evaluation supported program effectiveness and found that compared to students in the comparison group students who participated in the program reported lower frequencies of using drugs and alcohol at post-test.

Hands-On Classroom Kits

Instructional, hands-on classroom kits are available to support classroom instruction of health lessons which include: attractive full-color laminated posters, activity card sets, informational pamphlets, and DVD videos.  Middle school products can be purchased in a complete kit or individually.

MMH middle school support materials kit example with posters, pamphlets, card sets and bag

Purchase Curriculum

The middle school curriculum can be purchased by grade level or within digital curriculum bundles. District pricing discounts may be available. To trial, purchase, or talk about the MMH curriculum, contact the Michigan Model for Health Clearinghouse.

Buy Grades 7-8 Curriculum & Classroom Kits