Emergency Preparedness Curricula Empowers Students with Knowledge & Skills for Disasters
2018-12-03 19:51:00 Curriculum Updates & Releases - Elementary K - 6 - Grades 7 - 8 - Grades 9 - 12

The Michigan Model for Health™ Emergency Preparedness supplemental curriculum was recently updated and is now available in a digital format online and via a USB flash drive with access to information resources available electronically and lesson activities in a PDF format for the entire curriculum. Newly developed support materials for lessons and activities are also available for purchase.
Developed by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) in collaboration Michigan State Police (MSP) and the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), the curriculum is a comprehensive and age appropriate set of lessons and activities designed to be taught in elementary (grades 1 through 6), middle school and high school.
The curriculum lessons and activities provide educators with the tools to teach students how to prevent, protect, respond and recover from natural and human-made disasters. This includes empowering students with the knowledge and skills to make smart decisions before, during and after an incident, and promoting that all families have disaster plans for emergencies.
At the elementary level, there are four to six lessons at each grade level that can be taught within a short period of time or spread out over the school year. At the secondary level, there are thirty activities from which middle and high school educators can choose. Each activity is about twenty minutes in length and can be integrated into many different content areas.
Emergency Preparedness Curriculum (Digital or Flash Drive)

Contact Us
- Michigan teachers and educators, contact your Regional School Health Coordinator at MiSHCA's website.
- Out-of-state teachers, educators, and curriculum coordinators, email the MMH support team at support@michiganmodelforhealth.org.
Historical Press Release
“Michigan Develops First Emergency Preparedness Curriculum for Schools”